Poor Signifier
I have photographed Fires in the Woods many times, and none of them ever quite turn out like I want them to.

Subsidiary Awareness and PKM Concerns
“While you attend to the particulars focally, the particulars cannot function subsidiarily, causing the integration of the particulars to be destroyed.”

Giving an account for 78,000-ish images
…if every photograph were an inch long, it would span a distance of 177 miles…

Speed of Photography: Stay Absolutely Still
If you had to spend the rest of your life sitting exactly where you are, what kind of photographs would make? Would you event want to make photos?

The Speed of Photography
The topic at hand is the speed at which one moves when making a photograph. Or, more precisely, the speed one is moving right before they take the photo.

Ordinary Photos in an Extraordinary Place
What can be said about Yosemite that hasn’t already been said? What can be photographed that hasn’t already been photographed? Yosemite is the Mecca of landscape photography, the place where the Prophet of landscape photography, Ansel Adams, came to receive inspiration for his sacred texts.

Obsidian.md, day one starter pack
Obsidian is a very helpful piece of software. I thought it might be helpful to create a post that’s focused on Obsidian and how to use it, especially for those just starting out.

Pleaser turncart shere (thankyou)
From October to November of 2020, I took 840 pictures of a shopping cart corral. I made some art out of it. The final product includes an exhibition of 409 of the images printed (due to space constraints) and a four-volume book with eight essays interspersed. Below are shots of the installation and images from the series interspersed among the first two essays in the book.

How to Take Progressively Less Stupid Notes
merely changing the form that certain writing takes will have no necessary profound alteration of the broader process it fits into, and minimal impact on its content.